Dr. Derse on WGN
On April 2nd, I was on the WGN midday show with Steve Sanders speaking about pet first aid tips and how to keep pets safe this spring. I was accompanied by a very well behaved 8 month old golden retriever named Pappy Van Winkle. I reminded viewers the importance of keeping pets up to date on vaccines, monthy heartworm and flea and tick prevention, and showed how to make a pet first aid kit. Many of the items you already have in your home!
First Aid Kit Contents:
- Latex gloves
- Gauze sponges
- Ace bandage
- Adhesive tape
- Small scissors
- Tube sock
- Tweezer
- Magnifying glass
- Leash
- Towel
- Muzzle or stretch gauze
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Rubbing alcohol
- Topical antibiotic ointment
- Q-tips
- Bulb syringe
- Sterile saline
- Tongue depressors
- Penlight with batteries
- Clean cloth
- Instant cold pack
- Diphenhydramine (be sure to consult a vet before administering)
- List of emergency phone numbers including those for your pet’s veterinarian, an after hours emergency veterinary hospital, and the National Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435)
We wrapped up the segment by talking about when to call a vet and when to treat at home. My general rule is always be on the safe side and call your vet. They will consult with you and let you know if you can treat at home or if you need to bring your pet in for treatment.
Happy Spring!
Dr. Derse